Step 1
iPhone settings menu
- Unlock your iPhone and go to the home screen.
- Tap “Settings.”
Step 2
iPhone Wi-Fi settings
- In the Settings menu, tap “Wi-Fi.”
Step 3
Available Wi-Fi networks listed
- You should see a list of available Wi-Fi networks.
- Tap on the network you want to connect to.
Step 4
Entering Wi-Fi network password
- If the network is password-protected, a textbox will appear.
- Enter the Wi-Fi password.
- Tap “Join.“
Note: Wi-Fi networks that don’t require passwords are not secure. Connect only to safe, trusted networks.
Step 5
Terms & Conditions
- When connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, you may have to accept “Terms & Conditions” before being connected.
- We recommend reading through the terms to ensure your privacy is protected.
Step 6
Successfully connected to the Wi-Fi network
- Fantastic! You have successfully connected on your iPhone.
- Your password will save automatically for next time.
Bonus Tip:
- Did you know you can connect to over 10 MILLION hotspot locations? Just download your Q Link Wireless “My Mobile Account App” for instant access.
That’s it! Now you’re ready to use your Wi-Fi connection.