Error messages are generated for many different reasons. You may be unable to send a picture or video message, or you may receive error messages if your phone is connected to the wrong network, or if data is disabled on your phone. But don’t worry! It’s typically easy to fix.
Here’s what you can do:
- Go to Settings › Wireless & Networks › Mobile Networks or Data
- Once there, make sure data is enabled.
- Go to Settings > System Update > Update Profile or PRL
- Select “Update Profile” or “Update PRL” (if you see both, please update both).
- Once selected, wait a moment while the phone finishes updating. Some phones may restart at this point.
If this does not solve the error, or you continue to receive error messages, contact our excellent customer support team. They will be happy to walk you through troubleshooting your phone.
- Call us toll-free at 1-855-754-6543.
- Follow the prompts to resolve your issue.