What does “single and multiple households” mean?

According to the Federal guidelines, a household is defined as “a group of people who live together and share money (even if they are not related to each other).”

Single Household

If you live together and share financial responsibilities, you qualify as one household.

    • A married couple living together qualifies as one household and is eligible for one Lifeline discount.
    • A parent/guardian and child living together are considered one household and can receive one Lifeline discount.
    • An adult living with friends or family who provide financial support is part of one household and shares one Lifeline discount.

Multiple Households

If you live together but do not share financial responsibilities, each person qualifies as their own separate household.

    • Four roommates living together without sharing money or expenses are considered four separate households.
    • Thirty seniors living in an assisted living facility, each managing their own finances, are counted as thirty separate households.

Understanding how Q Link Wireless applies the Lifeline benefit within your living arrangement is important. Whether you’re part of a single economic household sharing financial responsibilities or multiple households living independently without shared finances, determining your household status is essential for receiving the appropriate Lifeline benefit.