What is ICCID/SIM card number?

Integrated Circuit Card Identifier (ICCID) is a unique 19 or 20-digit number assigned to your SIM card. It is used to identify the SIM card and it also stores information for the Q Link Wireless Network. It is printed on the SIM card itself and can also be found in the SIM card settings on your phone once the SIM Card is inserted. 

The ICCID is important for mobile network operators because it helps us to identify and authenticate you on our network, and it also allows us to track and manage the use of the SIM card and associated services. The ICCID is used in the activation and provisioning process when a new SIM card is purchased and activated on the Q Link Wireless network.

Need more help?

The Integrated Circuit Card Identifier (ICCID) is a crucial identifier for your SIM card, aiding in its authentication and management on the Q Link Wireless Network. It plays a vital role in the activation and provisioning of new SIM cards. To learn more about our services and how ICCID impacts your mobile experience, please visit our main page.

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