Make sure the proof document you submit fully shows your low income. Also, please make sure your proof document’s copy is not too blurry, too dark, or have important information cut off.
We accept several types of proof of low income. Here are all of the types we accept:
- Paycheck Stubs (The last 3 consecutive)
- Income Statement From Employer or W-2
- Prior Year’s State or Federal Tax Return
- Retirement or Pension Statement of Benefits
- Social Security Statement of Benefits
- Unemployment or Workers’ Comp Statement of Benefits
- Veterans Administration (VA) Statement of Benefits
- Child Support Award
- Divorce Decree
- Federal or Tribal notice letter of participation in General Assistance
- Tribal Tax Return
Click here to submit your proof of low income now!
IMPORTANT: For showing proof of income, sending your benefit approval letter is not sufficient. Please provide a copy of the document that shows your Benefits’ allotted income.